Monday 24 February 2014

Beautiful, starts with BE YOU

Do you ever spend hours putting on makeup? do you ever look in the mirror and think to yourself "am I beautiful?" well if you're someone who is original, fun, caring, and most important of all, you are YOU! then yes! now now I'm not saying that all the people who aren't themselves aren't beautiful, I'm saying that the first step to loving yourself and seeing yourself as beautiful, is just being who you are and not letting anyone else ruin that for you. This is something I've learned both from experience and from my mom 0-0 BE YOURSELF and eventually (it will take some time) you will love yourself!

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Girls, and just, girls!


I just wanted to write a short (turned out to be well....not so short) post about you girls, and kind of just explain why you're all just so beautiful and you shouldn't let anyone take that away from you.
     Beauty isn't something that comes from the makeup, or the clothing brand that you wear. it isn't just, strutting your stuff downtown cause you think you're the dopiest person in the world. Beauty comes from inside, from who you are, and as long as you're you, you couldn't be anymore beautiful!! as long as you have something that you love to do, and you're good at, and you have a passion for, there's nothing can outweigh the beauty that only comes from that. and no, I don't mean (if this applies to you) that you should be proud of your ability to get guys to sleep with you, that just isn't cool. which brings me to another point, self respect! there's self respect, self esteem, self confidence, and a whole crap load of other stuff. but having self confidence, but not having self respect, can lead to, sleeping around, or just plain......yeah. When I look at a girl that is like that, I don't judge her badly, I feel a little sorry for her actually, cause when I hear stuff like that, the first thing that goes through my head is something like "why would she do that? doesn't she have self respect?" that's why I have this blog, I want all you girls to have value, and respect for yourselves and your body. an incident actually happened to me a while ago...I was sexually harassed, and I didn't enjoy it at all! I didn't let anything too bad happen, why? because I respect myself and I wouldn't LET it happen! it's the almost little things that really make a difference, see I don't have much self esteem or self confidence, but I do have self respect for myself and my body.

In a hopefully short conclusion, you are beautiful!! No matter what ANY one else says, you are you and that makes you beautiful!! don't ever forget that!! I'll be posting again probably in the morning, I'll be aiming to post everyday but sometimes that doesn't happen, so I'll do the best I can, please, feel free to leave a comment, ask questions, ask for me to write about something, I'll take anything except rude and unacceptable behaviour xD

Bye for now!


First post, welcome!

This is my blog, where I rant on and on and on and on about things that people do to women that piss me off. I'm also here to tell all women and girls who read this how beautiful they really are, and how much you should value yourself as a person :) I'm just one me trying to make a difference and I'm doing it one step at a time.